Incremental Changes

What do the Olympics have to do with your financial future? More than you might think. Take a look at that sketch above. It’s by Carl Richards, and it’s called […]

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Mixed Signals

Are you having a tough time keeping track of inflation’s mixed signals? You’re not alone. Consumer prices in July climbed at their fastest rate since August 2008. Worse, producer prices, […]

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A 6.1% Bump in Social Security?

The news keeps getting better for Social Security recipients. It’s now projected that benefits will increase 6.1% in 2022, up from the 4.7% forecast just two months ago. That would […]

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Inflation & Why We Invest

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your wealth. As the prices of goods inevitably increase over time, it takes more money for you to purchase the exact same amount of […]

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My Five Favorite Books on Money

Over the last thirty-plus years, I’ve read a lot of books on finance and investing.  In my opinion, there are a ton of great books out there (and some not-so-great […]

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Book of the Quarter

At Bridge Financial Strategies (“Bridge”), continuing to grow and learn is extremely important to us.  One way we pursue this is by reading a book each quarter and discussing it […]

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Plans & Guesses

This sketch by Carl Richards is called “Plans and Guesses.” It makes sense. Making guesses about the short-term direction of the market can damage your long-term financial plan because it […]

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Your Five Financial Pillars of Success

When you think about your finances, what do you consider to be the most important areas? At Bridge Financial Strategies, we believe that building a stable financial house requires five […]

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A Seven-Year High for Gas Prices

Over Memorial Day weekend, gasoline prices hit the highest for this holiday weekend since 2014.1 With the Colonial Pipeline outage in the rear-view mirror and an ever-increasing number of adults […]

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